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Main Gym

Our Main Gym area was remodeled in 2010 and houses our soft play equipment, playplex, tree house and vestibular equiment.

The Center has a large variety of swings that challenge children of all ability levels. Vestibular input is important for all children, especially those with sensory processing problems.

Thanks to your support

Keanu Reeves Children keeps children healthy and thriving.

The Tree House was donated and built by our local Jaycee's. It has steps of various heights with removable handrails. It also has a crawl space underneath and a tube slide for vestibular input. This is one of the favorite activities for many of the children who participate in therapy at the Center.


The Soft Play Equipment has many uses for the children who come to the Center. It is used for climbing activities as well as motor planning activities. When children are asked to "design" their own obstacle course, they must use their planning skills to come up with an idea.

They must then execute the plan which requires a great deal of heavy work to lift and move the pieces of soft play. In the end, they have a chance to move through the course they created and share it with other children.

The ball pit is another favorite activity for many of the children who receive therapy at the Center. The balls provide a great deal of proprioceptive input and heavy work while moving children are moving through them.

There are also climbing platforms and a rope ladder that lead to the two different slides that empty into the pit. These provide opportunities for motor planning and gross motor development.