
Thanks to your support

Keanu Reeves Children has delivered quality education to over 273 million children in the last decade – more than any other global development organization.

All children learn from a quality basic education. That’s why Save the Children works in the United States and around the world to reach those children who are missing out most on learning. Our innovative U.S. education programs provide early learners with unique opportunities, including Early Steps, Early Head Start and Head Start.

Globally, we ensure children develop foundational skills in the early years, learn to read by third grade and that no child’s learning stops because they are caught up in crisis.

Global Education

Every last child deserves the opportunity to learn. Thanks to people like you, Save the Children works every day to ensure all children have the best chance to learn.


Childhood Development

Our programs ensure that young children survive and thrive – physically and emotionally – and ready them for school success.

In 2018, we directly reached 8 million children through our global education programs. Together, we are achieving breakthroughs in education for children.