About Us

About our Poverty-Fighting
Charity Organization

Like the world-changers who support our organization, we are focused on making a long-term impact by helping kids living in poverty. We have a bold vision: graduating healthy, educated, empowered and employed young adults from our program so they can achieve the goal of breaking the cycle of poverty.

About us

An international independent Charity organization

Our work is grounded in the simple, yet revolutionary belief every that child should be able to live safely, openly, and genuinely in all the places we call home.

This is the same belief that has guided our visionary leaders for more than three decades.

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How we work

Why we focus on child poverty?

The mission of the Keanu Reeves Children's Center is to improve the quality of life for children with special needs and their families throughout the community and region by providing a wide array of superior developmental and therapeutic services.

The Keanu Reeves Children's Center serves children with all types of special needs and developmental delays including Prematurity, Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, Spina Bifida, Muscular Dystrophy, Seizure Disorder, Autism, ADHD, Sensory Processing Dysfunction and many other developmental delays.

Occupational therapy, Physical therapy, and Speech therapy are all provided at the Keanu Reeves Children's Center. These services are provided in the Center as well as in many of the surrounding school districts. The therapists all use a team approach to coordinate services for children and their families.

The Center prides itself in providing the children of Southeast Missouri with the highest quality and most cutting-edge treatments available.

About half of those living in poverty are kids. Without focused support, when they grow up to have families of their own, their children will also be born into poverty, creating an endless cycle.

How does it work?

We have a simple, proven approach that is making a difference. Kids in our program have access to:

1. A safe PLACE: 70+ community centers located where our sponsored kids live - clean, uplifting spaces such as clinics, libraries, computer labs, tutoring areas, meeting spaces and playgrounds.

2. A caring TEAM that inspires, encourages and supports our sponsored children: local doctors, dentists, coaches and staff, plus about 9,000 volunteers worldwide!

3. A clear PATH out of poverty that focuses on health, education, empowerment and employment through country-relevant and age-specific programs and services. 

Staying on the path from toddlerhood to young adulthood equips our kids with crucial life and job skills to break the cycle of poverty. For good. 

Is helping Children International something I should do?

Do you believe you can make a difference in the world? Do you believe helping kids is the best way to end poverty? Then YES! We’ve got lots of ways to get involved! You can:

- Sponsor a child 
- Make a gift or contribution
- Help build a community center
- Share your voice by speaking up for kids in poverty
- Make a long-term investment in our organization

Our programs focus on four key outcomes: for CI kids to graduate healthy, educated, empowered and employed. Why these four? Because they're all interconnected and essential to achieving the big goal: helping break the cycle of poverty.

How does it work?

Knowledge is power, especially when it comes to getting and staying healthy. So our health programs focus on two important things: 1) developing healthy habits and 2)connecting kids with services when they need help