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Responding to the Coronavirus Outbreak

Save the Children was among the first to provide support, including medical supplies and preparedness training, to the most vulnerable region impacted by coronavirus. Now, as school systems across the nation remain closed and the pandemic continues to spread globally, children – especially the poorest and marginalized – are facing increasing health, education and safety risks

In fragile places like conflict zones, refugee camps, and overcrowded communities, where people are already struggling to survive, COVID-19 could have a devastating impact. An estimated 1.5 billion children are out of school, and most don’t have options for remote learning. In the United States alone, 30 million children who rely on school for both learning and meals are at great risk.

Around the world, Save the Children is distributing hygiene supplies to ensure communities can wash their hands, and vital health information on how to stay safe and prevent the spread of infection. Here at home, we’re focused on helping children and families cope with sweeping school closures by providing parents with guidance and tools to reassure and support their children during this difficult time.

Your donation today supports this important work keep children in the U.S. and around the world healthy, learning and safe during this crisis. We’re all in this together.