• COVID-19 Emergency Alert
    COVID-19 has already left many children without caregivers, out of school and exposed to violence and exploitation.
    Your support today can help children in unsafe households, help protect and prepare doctors and health clinics in refugee
    camps and help support distance learning in the face of school closures.
  • Help The Poor
    For Their Better Future
    Every day we bring hope to millions of children in the world's
    hardest places as a sign of God's unconditional love.
  • Protect Children
    And the Future We All Share
    we give children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm.
    We do whatever it takes for children - every day and in times of crisis -
    transforming their lives and the future we share.

The journey to end poverty for good begins with a child. We care for children, protect their welfare, and prepare them for the future.

Child's Education

Thanks to your support, We have delivered quality education to countless number children in around the globe.


We continue to be at the forefront of worldwide efforts to end preventable child diseases and deaths.


Keanu Reeves foundation keeps children safe from harms like poverty, abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence.

How you help

Your gifts guarantee sponsored children receive the support that dramatically changes lives.

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Become a Proud Volunteer

Every year, Keanu Reeves Foundation relies on the passion and expertise of hundreds of volunteers to help drive forward our vision of a more equitable world.

Keanu Reeves Foundation volunteers are representative of our communities. We are always looking for more volunteers with diverse lived experiences, like people living in rural areas, people of color, and trans and gender diverse folks.

Join Now

We're a top-rated international charity organization With your help, we're working to end global poverty. We're focused on impact. We work in four key areas to help kids break the cycle of poverty: health, education, empowerment and employment.

Change everything

For a child in poverty today

Growing up in poverty, children face tough challenges: hunger and malnutrition, limited access to education and medical services, social discrimination and isolation.

But with support from people like you, we can help children get the health care, education, life skills, job-readiness training and confidence they need to create lasting change in their lives and communities. Together, we can end poverty for good.

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